Are you pregnant or recently had a baby and are looking for others to connect with?
What is Pregnanting?
Pregnanting is a peer-led support group for people who are pregnant or recently had a baby to ask questions, share stories, and make new friends. This is a space for parents to connect and learn from one another with the help of a peer lead.
What does peer-led mean?
Peer-led means that the person helping give direction and support is another person with personal experience. It's a community member that wants to help support others.

Why Pregnanting?
We recognize that there are other great pregnant and parenting groups out there but often times they are in a classroom format and led by a professional. Their structure might not be for everyone so we wanted to create something different.
Pregnanting is led by parents who want to help others get the support they need to thrive. Pregnanting meetings don't have a set structure and participants have a say in what is discussed at each and every meeting.
6 weekly sessions (45-60 min)
Participants choose the topics to discuss
Led by a parent with lived experience
Learn from other parents and share resources
Participants get access to all the information discussed and resources after the meeting via a google doc.

Who is this meant for?
Pregnant or birthing person (under 4ish month)
Opportunities to invite other support people to some meetings
Open to all life experiences (first-time pregnancy or experienced parent)
Lives in the city of Chicago or adjacent communities
Can attend virtual meetings once a week (6 weeks)
Is interested in connecting with other families, a community peer leader, and is open to learning about resources

Joining the group
If you are interested or know someone who is please have them fill out the interest form.
Interested in being a Peer Leader?
We are looking for volunteers to lead future Pregnanting Groups!
Who we are looking for:
Lived experience with pregnancy or early parenthood
Interested in applying evidence-based knowledge and support into the conversation with families
Understands the barriers families in the Chicagoland area experience
Has the ability to run a weekly group and is open to debriefing after the meeting
Excited to share and recruit participants
If this is you please send an email to: