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FIMR CO-Developed Toolkits

FIMR CAT and the Illinois Association of Medicaid Health plan have collaborated on a series of toolkits to help Medicaid MCO consumers in Illinois better understand their benefits. This page contains the toolkits developed in one easy-to-access place.

Maternal Health Benefits
Illinois MCO (Medicaid) Maternal Benefits Toolkit

This resource co-developed with IAMHP is meant to be a starting point for Medicaid MCO Expecting Members to better understand their benefits. Remember all Medicaid MCO plans in Illinois have dedicated Care Coordination teams available to help families navigate their healthcare and community needs. A well-informed community is an empowered community.

MCO Maternal Benefits Toolkit Flyer.png

Click on the images above to access the toolkit in English or Spanish

Toolkit Features:

  • Select the plan name on the cover page to jump to that plan page. Phone numbers autofill the dialer on your phone if you touch them from a smartphone

  • Application/ Websites/ Documents open on your smart device if you touch them

  • Each Plan’s info includes access to the current members' handbook with information on additional benefits

  • Each Plan can be shared as individual toolkits

  • Toolkit is available in both English and Spanish. A version for the visually impaired can be accessed in the table of contents page.

Maternal Mental Health Benefits
Illinois MCO (Medicaid) Maternal Mental Health Benefits Toolkit

We have partnered with IAMHP to produce a toolkit centered around understanding Medicaid Mental Health benefits for those who have been or are currently pregnant. We called for topics from those who serve, advocate, and support pregnant and postpartum families. We wanted to know what families want and need to know about their benefits to create this resource. As always each plan also has a care coordination team that will be able to help you every step of the way accessing these resources. 


Click on the images above to access the toolkit in English or Spanish

Toolkit Features:​

•    Scan the QR code and it automatically downloads to your device
•    Phone numbers autofill the dialer on your phone if you touch them from a smartphone
•    Application/ Websites/ Documents open on your smart device if you touch them
•    Each Plan is featured as a one pager that can can be shared individually 
•    Toolkit is available in both English and Spanish


Illinois MCO (Medicaid) Transportation Consumer Benefits Toolkit

Transportation Medicaid benefits in Illinois cover more than just visit for healthcare. FIMR in partnership with IAMHP have developed a toolkit, brochure and one-pagers (specific to each MCO plan) to give consumers an easier way of accessing this benefit. 

Transportation Toolkit Flyers ENG (June 2024).jpg
Transportation Toolkit Flyers SPAN (June 2024).jpg

Click on the images above to access the toolkit in English or Spanish

Toolkit Features:
•    Select the plan name on the cover page to jump to that plan page.
•    Phone numbers autofill the dialer on your phone if you touch them form a smartphone
•    Application/ Websites/ Documents open on your smart device if you touch them
•    Each Plan includes access to current members handbook with information on additional benefits (found at the bottom)
•    Each Plan’s info can be shared as individual sheets

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